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Renewal Guidelines

Renewal Guidelines

The CHA certification is valid for three (3) years. The CHA certification renewal program allows Certified Homelessness Advocates to extend the designation for three-year intervals. There are two renewal options:

Renewal by re-examination : 

Renewal Process

Certificants must recertify every three years to maintain active CHA status. Recertification requires:

  • Continued agreement and compliance with the Code of Professional Responsibility.
  • Submission of 30 hours of approved continuing education (including 6 hours of Ethics)
  • Payment of $350 recertification fees.

Complete details regarding renewal fees are available in the Continuing Education Handbook for Certificants. 

HACB Certification Terms and Conditions

The Homelessness Advocate Certification Board is a professional organization that supports and promotes health/patient advocate certification. The Certification Code of Professional Responsibility enables HACB to define and clarify the professional responsibilities for present and future certificants.

It is vital that CHA certificants conduct their work in an appropriate and professional manner to earn and maintain the confidence and respect of clients, colleagues, employers, and the public, and that they also work to promote the highest standards of the profession, conducting business honestly, openly, and with integrity. To be qualified for CHA certification, individuals shall act in a professional manner and in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of examination as follows.

Applicants for CHA certification must:

  • Not participate in negligent, harmful, and/or intentional misconduct in their professional work.
  • Report to HACB in writing any conviction of a crime, except misdemeanor traffic offenses or traffic ordinance violations unless such offense involves the use of alcohol or drugs, or of any professional suspension within 10 calendar days after the date on which the certificant is notified of the conviction or suspension.
  • Comply with all applicable local, state/provincial, and federal laws, regulations, and statutes.
  • Neither accept nor offer nor make any substantial compensation or gifts with the intent of influencing the judgment of any individual or business entity in connection with the work of the certificant or the certificant’s employer, nor accept any substantial compensation from a supplier of materials or services in exchange for recommending or promoting the supplier.
  • Not engage in conduct involving fraud or the wanton disregard of the rights of others and shall not have been convicted of a crime, the circumstances of which substantially relate to the practice of patient advocacy or indicate an inability to engage in the practice of patient advocacy safely and/or competently, including but not limited to crimes against children, sexual abuse, civil rights violations, embezzlement, theft, etc.
  • Not obtain or attempt to obtain certification by misrepresentation, bribery, fraud, or deception.
  • Not make misrepresentations regarding HACB, CHA certification or renewal of certification. Not engage in cheating or other dishonest behavior that violates exam security, including memorization, reproduction, or distribution of secure test content, and tampering with the contents of the exam.
  • In addition, no person shall be permitted to maintain CHA certification if, in the judgment of Certification and/or Compliance Committee, the person’s professional competence is substantially impaired by physical or mental disabilities such as drug addiction, accidents affecting the brain, or mental health issues.

Candidate User Agreement

All candidates must sign the Candidate User Agreement and agree to all policies, procedures, terms, and conditions of certification in order to be eligible for the respective credential. The statement follows.

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information on this certification application is true, complete, and accurate. I authorize HACB to verify the accuracy of any information contained in or supplied in support of the application from any person(s) having knowledge of such information. 

I understand that violation of the HACB Certification Code of Conduct may be grounds for disciplinary action and possible denial or revocation of certification. I recognize that admission to take the certification examination, once granted, may be revoked at any time if it is established that information provided for certification or for recertification is not accurate and/or complete; if I engage in illegal or inappropriate conduct during the exam or once certification is conferred; or if I violate the HACB Certification Code of Conduct. 

By my signature, I attest that I will maintain my certification as required and uphold the HACB Certification Code of Professional Responsibility

Disclosure Questionnaire

As part of your application for CHA certification, you must complete the following Disclosure Questionnaire.

Candidates must upload a detailed written explanation for any “yes” answers. Additional information may be required upon review of your application.

  • Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
  • Within the last 10 years, have you been a defendant or respondent in any criminal action relating to your professional or business conduct, or are you currently named as a party in any such action?
    1. Within the last 10 years, have you been a defendant or respondent in a civil action, which includes, but is not limited to, a lawsuit, arbitration, or mediation relating to your professional or business conduct, or are you currently named as a party in any such action?
  • Within the last 10 years, have you had a license, permit, certificate, registration or membership denied, suspended, revoked or restricted by any governmental, regulatory, or administrative body, or has any such body censured, fined, restricted or reprimanded you?
  • Within the last 10 years, have you been named as the subject of an investigation or complaint by any governmental, regulatory, or administrative body?
  • Within the last 10 years, have you been censured, fined, reprimanded or otherwise disciplined by any professional credentialing organization to which you did or do belong or has such organization named you as a subject of an investigation or complaint?
  • Have you ever been convicted of violating any law of ordinance dealing with the use, possession, or sale of drugs or alcohol?
  • Have you ever been convicted of violating any statute or ordinance dealing with sexual assault, abuse, molestation, indecent solicitation, obscenity, or similar immoral acts?

Note: If you answered yes to any of the above, you must upload a written explanation

Attestation Statement – required of all applicants

By electronically signing the application, I affirm that:

  • My answers to the disclosure questions above are true.
  • All the information I have provided in the application is true

I understand and agree to the following HACB Terms of Awarding and Maintaining Certification:

  • Permission to use the mark Board Certified Homelessness Advocate and related marks is valid for a period of three years, as long as I remain in good standing with the HACB and use the certification and marks in an authorized manner. The Homelessness Advocate Certification Board may publish on its website names of certain individuals who have used the certification in an unauthorized manner.
  • The Homelessness Advocate Certification Board, following the recommendation of the HACB Compliance Committee and Executive Board, has the absolute and unrestricted right to revoke my CHA certification, including any rights I may have to use CHA marks, if it finds that I have failed to comply with the CHA Code of Professional Conduct or HACB

Policies. The Homelessness Advocate Certification Board has the authority to publish on its website names of certain individuals for whom the right to carry the CHA certification has been revoked.

  • In consideration of the certification granted, the Homelessness Advocate Certification Board, Compliance Committee, employees of HACB and others acting on its behalf, shall not be liable to me for any actions taken or omitted to be taken in any official capacity or in the scope of employment, except to the extent that such actions or omissions constitute willful misconduct or gross negligence; I hereby release HACB, the Compliance Committee and all HACB from any liability for such actions or omissions.
  • I will fulfill recertification requirements to maintain HACB certification.
  • I will comply with all policies and requirements of the CHA Compliance Committee. If certified as a CHA, I will comply with all standards and requirements that the Homelessness Advocate Certification Board may issue from time to time, including usage standards for the Certified Homelessness Advocate (CHA) certification and all other proprietary mark(s). I acknowledge that HACB is not responsible for any usage standards put in place by outside entities.
  • I understand that the Homelessness Advocate Certification Board has the authority to perform background checks. I agree to cooperate with any actions and further understand that providing false information, or having others do so, is a violation of the CHA Code of Professional Conduct and may result in sanctions.
  • I agree to immediately inform the Certification staff of all changes to the information included in this application while I am an applicant, and for as long as I am certified by the Homelessness Advocate Certification Board, and to immediately inform the Certification staff of any matters that may affect my capability to continue to fulfill certification requirements.
  • I understand that if successful I will be listed in the online certification directory; however, if in the future should I not want to continue to be listed in the online directory, I will contact the Certification staff to request removal from the list. I understand that even if my credentials are not listed in the online directory, the Certification staff will continue to verify credentials upon request.
  • I agree to give the Homelessness Advocate Certification Board, staff, and its agent’s permission to contact me by U.S. mail, electronic mail, facsimile, or through other media on matters that HACB believes may be of importance to me. Should I wish to be taken off the mailing list, I will send an e-mail request stating such to help@hacboard.org.
  • I understand and acknowledge that the HACB Candidate Handbook contains the policies applicable to applicants and certificants.
  • I agree to abide by and adhere to the Ethical Standards for Board Certified Homelessness Advocates, and Code of Professional Conduct outlined in the HACB Code of Professional Responsibility for Board Certified Homelessness Advocates. Click here to review and print a copy of the HACB Code of Professional Responsibility.
  • I have read, understand, and agree to the terms listed above.

Applicants will be required to submit e-signature.

  • I have read and understand the HACB Code of Professional Conduct and Principles. To qualify for certification, you must be able to truthfully answer yes.

Applicant required to attest:

I hereby declare that all information contained in this application is true. I understand and agree that any misrepresentation of facts will result in disqualification to sit for the exam or revocation of the certification once obtained.

*I have read the Handbook for Candidates and understand I am responsible for knowing its contents. I certify that the information given in this Application is in accordance with the Handbook for Candidates instructions and is accurate, correct, and complete. I understand that my application for this examination may be reviewed by the certifying organization.