• HOME

Eligibility Pathways

All candidates for Homelessness Advocate Certification must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Complete a self-assessment quiz.
  • Submit two letters of recommendation.
  • Education Pathway
  • CHA required educational background.

    • CHA I, II & III
      Requires a High School Diploma

    • CHA I
      Requires a High School Diploma unless substituted by a passed training

    • CHA II
      High School Diploma, College coursework.

    2. Equivalent Experience Pathway: (paid or volunteer) submitted as written documentation (see https://hacboard.org/eligibility/for an example of acceptable documentation.

  • Please note that the self-assessment quiz serves as a tool to gauge readiness for the certification exam. Your score is used for data collection purposes only and does not impact your eligibility for certification.

Candidates are eligible to sit for the certification exam if they meet the criteria outlined above and receive approval of their application from the Homelessness Advocate Certification Board (HACB).

For Candidates Applying via the Equivalent Experience Pathway

All candidates applying via the Equivalent Experience pathway for Homelessness Advocate Certification must provide a written narrative detailing their relevant experience. The narrative should be between 250-500 words and should incorporate citations from the list of Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities obtained from the Homelessness Advocate Certification Board’s Job Task Analysis Study.

Certificates or certifications alone are not considered documentation of equivalent experience. Instead, candidates must provide evidence that demonstrates their expertise in advocating for individuals experiencing homelessness. Below are examples of qualifying documentation:

  • Publishing original materials related to homelessness advocacy.
  • Teaching coursework or seminars related to homelessness advocacy.
  • Volunteer work with organizations such as shelters, homeless outreach programs, or community centers serving individuals experiencing homelessness.
  • Employment in health-related industries with a focus on addressing the needs of homeless populations.
  • Experience as an EMT or paramedic, particularly in contexts where encounters with homeless individuals are common.
  • Military service involving recovery care for homeless or at-risk populations.
  • A detailed job description outlining roles and responsibilities in patient or healthcare advocacy with a specific focus on homelessness.

Candidates should provide concrete examples and descriptions of their experience, highlighting how it aligns with the core competencies and skills required for effective homelessness advocacy. Additional information on documentation requirements can be found on the Homelessness Advocate Certification Board’s website.